Working Holiday Insurance

Embark on your work and travel journey worry-free with our Working holiday visa insurance!

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Get the best protection at the best prices with soNomad.

The benefits of soNomad.


Don't empty your bank account, we offer the most advantageous travel insurance rates.


Our travel insurance offers a simple and straightforward purchasing process.


Purchase your travel insurance in less than 3 minutes or even faster!

Travel Insurance circle

The working holiday insurance is intended for:

Working holiday visa holders ready for the canadian adventure

Canadians looking for travel insurance suited to their working holiday visa

Working holiday visa in Canada

When obtaining a work permit for Canada, it's essential to protect yourself during your stay. Purchasing insurance is an important step to ensure your peace of mind and financial security in case of unforeseen events.

With insurance in place, you can fully enjoy your work experience in Canada knowing that you are protected in case of a medical emergency or any other unforeseen event.

Visitors to Canada, CN tower illustration , Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Visitors to Canada, CN tower illustration , Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Canadians working abroad

The working holiday visa offers Canadians an exceptional opportunity to explore new cultures and develop their professional skills abroad. Canadians working abroad can focus on their rewarding experience without worrying about potential financial or medical complications.

A plan tailored to your needs

Our plan includes the following benefits and more:

Emergency medical and dental care



Prescription medications


24/7 emergency assistance

Coverage from $25,000 to $300,000


COVID-19 coverage at no extra cost

FAQs about working holiday visa insurance

Why should I buy my Working Holiday permit insurance from a Canadian company?

If your destination is Canada, you can purchase a travel insurance policy from an insurance company based in another country, but keep in mind that a Canadian insurance company knows and understands the Canadian healthcare system and has the expertise to help you find the best care. Canadian hospitals are familiar with these Canadian insurers, which can simplify your claims process and save you from having to pay thousands of dollars upfront during an emergency and waiting for reimbursement.

If you leave Canada, Canadian insurance companies work with assistance services to ensure that you receive care that is equal to or better than what you would receive if you were in Canada. Thanks to their global networks, Canadian companies are able to provide you with quality medical care wherever you are when you need it the most.

Why should I buy my Working Holiday permit from soNomad?

Our plans are designed for today’s travelers entering or leaving Canada. Whether for short or long stays, our plans are easy to renew if you decide to extend your stay. Additionally, there are no fees or penalties if you choose to return earlier than planned. We offer a full refund for the unused portion of the insurance.

What if my Working Holiday permit expires?

Your insurance coverage is not tied to your work permit; you can continue your insurance coverage until your return to Canada or your return to your home country.

Can I buy a policy if I am already in Canada?

You should always purchase Visitor to Canada insurance before entering Canada. If you are already in Canada and do not have coverage, an initial waiting period of typically 48 hours for illness will apply before the coverage becomes fully effective.

Does your plans allow me to visit other Countries, including the USA?

Yes, it is important to note that the majority of your time must be spent in Canada, or if you prefer, 51% of your total stay must be in Canada. You will be covered for short visits outside of Canada.

What is the difference between Visitors to Canada and Working Holiday permit insurance?

None. The Visitor to Canada product covers you for emergency medical and hospital care during your stay in Canada. The Working Holiday Visa is a permit issued by the Government of Canada.

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